AMARILLO, Texas (KFDA) - Amarillo officials are providing updates on their plans for an improvement project at the Hollywood Road Wastewater Treatment Facility.
The plant is almost 60 years old and officials say this has led to a significant amount of equipment and infrastructure that is deteriorating and is almost at a point of failure. Biological Sewage Treatment Plant

“We’ve had structural failures of components, concrete failures, metal, all kinds of equipment challenges ongoing at that,” says Assistant City Manager for Amarillo, Floyd Hartman.
Amarillo’s recently approved budget includes $17 million for repair and improvements to the plant.
“In the repairs you saw some purchases for a gear box and you’ll see additional purchases. We have procured additional sludge hauling with emergency purchase so we are in the neighborhood of millions and I will just tell you it will be hundreds of millions when the project’s complete,” said Hartman.
In the meantime, officials are brainstorming ideas to keep the plant running efficiently and effectively.
“Can we rent a filter, can we rent a belt press, can rent the things and add capacity by putting a temporary feature there, that’s what we’re doing immediately is evaluating what can we add temporarily,” says Hartman.
The City of Amarillo is working closely with the State of Texas to ensure environmental quality and safety.
“We’ve had consulting engineers looking at it, there will be remediation in the playa, again it was all treated up to the point of filtration but it doesn’t comply with our discharge permit so we’re working with the State to make sure they’re informed of what we’re doing and how we’re taking care of business,” said Hartman.
The city will immediately begin designing a master plan for expansion of the facility.

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